Monday, 30 April 2018

Maya Tutorial - Lighting and Rendering - 12, 13, 14, 16

Arnold Part 12: Toon Shader

Arnold Part 13: Geometry Override Sets

Arnold Part 14: Physical Sky Light



Arnold Part 16: Mesh Lights

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Premise - All Characters

Here's a page with all of my characters standing side by side and to scale so we have sort of an idea as to how big they are going to be.

Artist Toolkit - Sculpting - Baked & Primed

After I finished sculpting the character I had a chance to bake and prime it. Now its ready for the next stage which would to paint and add finishing touches.

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Premise - Tag - Head Modelling

I've finished creating the head for my 'Tag' character and now ready to move on to the body and limbs.

Maya Tutorial - Lighting and Rendering - 06

Arnold Part 6: Light Filters

Maya Tutorial - Lighting and Rendering - 02, 03 &05

Arnold Part 2: Sampling & Noise Reduction

Arnold Part 3: Ray Depth

Arnold Part 5: Maya Lights
Maya Area Light

Maya Directional Light

Maya Point Light

Maya Point Light

 Arnald Area Light