After the Premise Crit presentation, the feedback I received was quite reassuring as I want to take this project further and develop it in my minor and major projects.
In terms of design there are a couple of things that I need to revisit, the King of the hill Character and the child. This is because the I haven't spent as much time developing them as the other three characters. I need to thing about what sort of platform these character will be shown and the target audience. I think that I'm going to go with the 'Monsters inc' sort of which means that I'll have to change the colour to be more bright and vibrant rather than realistic colours and textures (which is the current state of my tag model).
Overall I thing the project was a success, the 'premise' is there and I have a good set of character. with that said I have a lot to do throughout the summer to prepare for the minor project.
Paprika Film review -